Influencer Marketing 101
Social media

Influencer Marketing 101

October 5, 2021

The Basics: What is an Influencer?

An influencer is someone who exerts influence. They are someone who has established a credibility in a specific industry or community who endorses or reviews products, services, or even a thought or belief in their expertise.

Influencer Marketing plays a huge role because consumers are often looking up to influencers when they make their purchasing decisions. Can you think of the last time you purchased a product / service that was influenced by a celebrity you follow on Instagram or someone with over 10K followers? Bingo - That's a perfect example of an Influencer!

The first steps to hop on to the Influencer Marketing wagon is, of course, to create an Influencer Marketing strategy. Before we share with you the steps to creating a strategy plan, we want to give you a little bit of background on Influencer Marketing today.

The New Trend: Influencer Marketing

Believe it or not, Influencer Marketing is booming! Approximately 40% of marketers have dedicated their marketing budget on Influencer Marketing. Seems as though many companies are slowly jumping on this wagon as well. This is why right now is the perfect time to engage and build relationships with influencers and to make a compelling argument as to why they should work with your brand and not any other brands.

The Benefits: What Are They?

Influencer Marketing of-course involves the influencers themselves. Being said, through working with influencers, you are able to tap into their existing audiences and extend your brand reach and the brand's positioning online. Social users will begin to notice your brand through stories, posts, and videos/ reels. Another advantage is that you may make use of influencers' unique skills in creating interesting engaging content to improve your search engine rankings and potentially increasing the viewer's retention for your brand.

Still not convinced? How about if we told you that this strategy was proven! Influencer Marketing delivers a ROI (return on investment) 11 times HIGHER than the traditional marketing strategies. That's right!


The Value of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has now completely changed the perspectives of how consumers shop. Especially in how they see advertising. Nowadays, consumers have become more suspicious and skeptical in traditional marketing, therefore it's important that brands hop on the Influencer Marketing wagon to make their brand relevant.

This wagon has the potential to help brands build their reputation and increase their brand awareness. It is the fastest growing channel for customer acquisition - it's something that a brand cannot afford to ignore.

Why wait and observe? Start now because you have nothing to loose!

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